Honeymoon In Mexico

It was rainy and cold the entire day of Jo and J’s wedding in Germany, so they were thrilled to come to Mexico, with its balmy sunshine, for their honeymoon. They wanted to do a honeymoon and trash-the-dress photo shoot at the ruins near Tulum, so we headed to that magical place early in the morning.

They are such a happy couple and were prepared to do anything to get a great photo venture to a cliff ‘s edge, climb a tree, jump in a cenote or run all over the beach. We stopped at several locations in the city, then the beach, then fi nished with them getting in the cenote’s fresh water for a swim in their wedding clothes.

After the cenote, we were heading back to their hotel when I spotted this amazing white building. This exact image appeared in my head, and I shouted in German Das ist fantastich!’ I’m thrilled that the image in my head is now reality. The contrast of the angles of the building coupled with Jo and J’s embrace is what photography is all about.

Honeymoon In Mexico Photo Gallery

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