Let’s start the day right you will attract cultured, and artistic people to your home lock the doors hello everyone yeah do you have some washing to do. So we’re doing the Washington I have to find a laundromat. Because our place doesn’t have a washing machine that’s the unfortunate thing.


But it’s no problem what everything in these rubbish bags okey-dokey guys. So we have finished our reading for a higher cutaway got a little bit more presentable, and now we’re getting ready to go out, and just explore more of San Francisco try, and take some photos at like sunset. But it is a little bit cloudy. So hopefully we can get the photos that we want we just arrived at p39 robot. So we’re just going to walk around, and then we’re going to accept. So probably won’t even see the Sun, I’m in front of a tree it’s a big whale, I’m thinking of taking one of these on Sunday or something we don’t really have anything else planned for um whatever anything else plans for San Francisco ready myth. So trying to work out what to do today tomorrow, and Sunday Sarika we might go one of those red buses to go one of these red buses I want to be like ultimate tourist here, and going insane from friends where they’re in London George Mason just we do you know Maisie look like the ocean a tourist will be around, and post yourself there very out of place see you just full crown Jojo come right big we’ve had our first sighting of Chipotle in the San Fran.

So we didn’t really decide to get dropped off with here 39. But we did anyway we’re glad we did. Because he walked through his place called Fisherman’s Wharf just behind us it’s just bustling with food, and I smell. So delicious even though we just had dinner before I didn’t a coffee, and an ice cream it’s all gone we still hungry again, and we’re not doing Chipotle. But we want to find we actually saw them before you know those soup bowls they’re made out of bread, and then they put the soup in there cut the little, and then you just eat it, and then as you slowly drains down you can pick at it, and eat it with the bread roll. So so on back then. But they’d never think way as we lied.

So on the lookout come to mama he’s with his true love’s my most two loves yes it’ll sink my coffee, and my camera enjoy I said on the list this time Starbucks, and lucky pretty cool yeah it is really fancy playing jazz, and there’s like wood, and this create cool life like it’s all the Starbucks I love the road, and it just was like let’s go in here, and I thought it was just a different cover that was about our Wow I wish you guys could save a similar line it is the coolest truss bridge 16 we’ve got to the tongue on some mountain with a view that’s beautiful also don’t you wish like when you feel it looks like we are I see there’s like the bridge looks. So big, and then I turn it around that’s tiny something keep walking till there’s big for you guys. Because I wanna see that’s amazing I seen. So many people photos of them the briefing to the fog, and I kind of wish it was foggy. But it’s not remember yesterday when I was mentioning the whole like food van truck thing we have found it look how many people are down there, and see all those trucks surrounding in a square there all the food vans. So we’re definitely gonna make our way down here San Fran we love you thank I judge me I feel like, I’m oh yeah we’ll go there all the way back I want my Korean taco what do you do down there nice antique chair just be lazy she wants a Korean tacos we be getting close of the houses in San sisqó they are so cool these houses across the road from the bay very good they have views of the bridge, and the harbor one switching funny Nemo safe, I’m very interested it’s the scene when the trainer’s irony mo yet they still can’t tell on here we may be here to the golden gate bridge a little bit later than what we wanted to. But it’s okay it’s still beautiful the sun’s gone beyond the valley, I’m just gonna wait here what she go down then we’re going to go get ourselves some Korean taco Oh actually it’s my – the Golden Gate Bridge it’s situated in San Francisco like they get to reference cuisines, and they mush them together what we said yesterday it’s not like ice cream tacos I saw how he made it we got one.

So you got the waffle cone shaped as a taco topped it up with the ice cream, and then covered in whatever sauce you want I could like a chocolate sauce, and then he dips it into liquid nitrogen to like freeze the chocolate around it this tasty you get like your chocolate you vanilla that was so good I was like the best meal I’ve had everyone says don’t eat the local food go to the food bands know what you pulled lay tacos for the rest of our time. So that is the Chocolate Factory we were at yesterday, and they gave us like a kabillion samples yummy there’s also a hotel. So you can like stay there, and I don’t know if you can see the. But there’s the Fisherman’s Wharf, and Alcatraz is out there somewhere pier 39 s over there create nine 39:23 eyeline for everything’s on the water we just like walked all the way along these like two kilometers all the way along the coast to 3.9 miles rich rich, and then we’ll book, and all the way back here it’s honestly 192 it’s not many people around you feel pretty safe oh I feel really safe. But they say that like in this area I guess it’s quite like a wealthy area that spread on the beach yeah Oh somebody’s high on sugar ah we are home now Oh home belly’s full Instagram photos sorted yeah it’s got added up the blog I think there’s a Parks, and Rec marathon sorted.

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