How to Travel in VENICE

Come on sing to us when your mom is your eye like a big pizza we could hear people there was a guy, and he was peddling his little Bart, and the mighty what it’s a cord that a boy under a gondola, and he was singing we missed it though. So we sang to them instead Hey everyone, and to scarfy my mum gonna say hello to the post alrighty guys we’re now rubbed up, and ready to go outside we were just feeding the mornings yeah, and we went down, and had some breakfast which was delish, and I just realized we are about to hit our final week in Europe tomorrow is like the countdown if we leave on the 30th one of those days the guy downstairs told us some really good spots to see in Venice.

How to Travel in VENICE Photo Gallery

So we’re gonna go down there now bring the camera or something’s gonna be big photograph day this place is beautiful the photograph that’s like the number one thing we want to do now is to spend the day taking photos it’s amazing I love you alright let’s go Hey Venice oh wow look at this he needs to sing to them seeing the thing that’s so cool oh my god this is amazing guys look at this sorry cool he’s got the hat, and everything this is amazing money you ready to go yeah you just miss some really cool gondola people even had that caught there the straw hat on with the red like ribbon straw at the end of the straw hat with the red ribbon to the stripes look at him sing three Nicole walking through Venice is pretty much a labyrinth luckily we’ve got some offline maps where we can walk around a lot as we get totally lost people just these really tight corridors, and then you come to these open areas, and we’re just about to enter one of the main attractions here in Venice which is Piazza San Marco it is like a giant square with a church I think a palace, and like a really nice as well. But the canals will break now wow it is so pretty we’ve made our way right up to the water now it’s such a nice day. So lucky the Lorraine’s gone this is such a bad day yesterday yeah well thanks too bright now rain yes it means we get today yeah definitely we’re gonna walk along the water now it’s right there.

So pretty, and then behind us or like the big famous buildings like I mean that’s a palace, and then got like a giant museum ething I don’t know all of the buildings are here some of the masquerade masks. So we decided to stop him some Instagram photos. But yeah now we are heading towards the Grand Canal which is probably the most famous kind of quota spot of Venice. Because that’s that’s where there’s a very beautiful bridge that a lot of people like to take photos of in front of us. So of course we want to take photos of run of it they’re just walking along the river now, and it’s such a beautiful day today layers going come the birds of jazz Nica we will always take, and this is why we don’t do what a gondola rides 80 euros for 30 minutes oh I do not expect it to be that much I mean it is Mac six people. So you’re doing that if you had six people you two divider. But still expensive we just come to Grand Canal, and it is so beautiful look at this place I love it it’s so nice oh my gosh I mentioned just having a speedboat, I’ll be amazing be it’s so beautiful hmm we’ve reached another dead end this place is seriously a maze we cannot find our way around at all we really want to see this famous bridge, and we’ve been like going done all these different early way. So we just can’t find our way.

So let’s hope that this is the right way well luckily it’s a pretty city to walk around, and right luckily look how cool this street is look at this day we survived at the breach that we wanted to take a photo of it was for like ponte rialto rialto it’s like a famous bridge here, and we get there first of all there’s a drive billboard on it, and second of all laughs of these under construction you see it there. So there’s a giant crane there’s a billboard, and half of its under construction. So we’re not gonna give the best shot of this cool bridge yeah, and they’re also posting something down there which means we can’t walk through there. So I kind of it tell me nothing it’s the news like yes the news something’s going on there’s the news there, and there’s all guards there we found a platform here to check it out. But it’s all like oh you can oh good, I’m not sure.

But this spot is super pretty look at that you know I forever have that song in my head come on see you with me Steve yeah no not that one when the moon is your eye like a big pizza pie that’s amore anyway that is the fancy bridge. But unfortunately today Thunder construction, and they also want to try, and sell us something idea what’s the time it’s currently what 142 okay. So, I’m still full from breakfast. But, I’m thirsty. So I would do a snack you could whenever some chocolate croissants like at our place oh yeah we do, and I also want to go past the grocery store I would drink is that fine yeah Cronos yeah Kona that’s how go to store here in Venice Kona it’s a few are wanting to go to a grocery store it’s only 10 minutes walk from an our place our place actually isn’t a really good spot it’s a good find I thought he’s obsessed with taking photos look how big those pizza slices are put my hand in there for like perspective I don’t know you can tell. But they are humongous oh my gosh we’re definitely in Italy now after giving lost a number of times Claire’s phone is now switched off. So all we have is a old-school map can we do it no we can’t we’ll try these were in Italy who thought her lunch we would have be ready ice cream what ones you want are you sure it’s dark chocolate.

But yeah a chocolate mousse might be good oh, I’m gonna have vanilla thank you chocolate mousse yeah, I’m this looks. So good oh my gosh it’s so good yeah I am obsessed with ice cream, and this is so good try a stave good that’s like. So creamy up the arms before the yeah we’re just getting some Instagram it’s a cute little spy sorry guys I just came back to the room to grab the drone, and we’re gonna have a go at flying it just outside our room. Because we were right near the one of the canals they’re just as evil worse we’re not sure if there’s going to be too much interference. Because we’re in such like a cluttered chaotic city you know there aren’t that many places where there’s a big widespread area that we can fly it in. So, I’m gonna see if it works.

Because you know sometimes that annoying error comes up saying that there’s too much interference. So fingers press it works. Because it would be really cool to see some aerial shots of this place it is one of the best cities I’ve ever seen, and I’ve only been here for a day yeah it is doing still beautiful looks like the Sun is slowly starting to set a little bit. So after this I think we’ll go down to the UM water area, and see if we can see the sunset. But yeah we’re just gonna check now, and see if it’s actually going to work for us fingers crossed no we need this to be green green not too yellow alrighty we’re not giving off just yet we’ve Brad our tripod, and the main camera, and the drone again now we’re gonna go walk around, and see if we can find a spot that has enough satellite. So we can fly it on GPS mode. Because I don’t wanna fly don’t on GPS make this last time we crashed it, and there’s too much water, and ravines around for us to even test that the enemy we have may, and found a spots where scene we calibrating at the moment ready yep hopefully this place open right on the water here how beautiful is this little view I hope it works that was a successful flight I think we’re now starting to realize more about the drone as soon as we went into the open area we went from four satellites of ten satellites we’ve been in urban areas.

But it was some like yeah I think it’s just the luck of how many sunlight mm-hmm. But, I’m yeah it started getting dark. But, I’m still got a few shots of Denis which is good got to see some nice bird’s-eye view of Venice took some photographs as well. But now we’re just walking around to find some spots to get the tripod out, and get some nighttime photography tomorrow we’re off to Florence which is awesome, and we also have some other maybe small little day trips planned as well. So a lot of exciting stuff organized for you guys in Italy. But thank you for reading, and we will see you on the train – for tomorrow thanks guys bye.

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