Travel to Hamburg

Travel to Hamburg


Hamburg’s city center sits between the Elbe River and the two city lakes, AufSe-nalster and Binnenalster. Most major sights lie between the St. Pauli Landungs-briicken port area in the west and the Hauptbahnhof in the east. Monckebergstrafie, Hamburg’s most famous shopping street, runs all the way to Rathausmarkt. North of downtown, the university dominates the Dammtor area and sustains a vibrant community of students and intellectuals. To the west of the university, the Schanzenviertel is a politically active community home to artists, squatters, and a sizeable Turkish population. At the south end of town, an entirely different atmosphere reigns in St. Pauli, where the raucous Fis-chmarkt (fish market) is surpassed only by the wilder Reeperbahn, home to Hamburg’s infamous sex trade and its best discos.

Tourist Offices: The Hauptbahnhof office, in the Wandelhalle near the Kirchenailee exit (30 05 12 01), books rooms for a 4 fee. Open daily 7am-llpm. The St. Pauli Land-ungsbriicken office, between piers 4 and 5 (300 512 03), is less crowded. Both

offices supply free English maps and sell the Hamburg Card, which provides unlimited access to public transportation, reduced admission to most museums, and discounts on bus and boat tours. (1-day card 7, 3-day card 15.)

Consulates: Canada, Ballindamm 35 (460 02 70). Open M-F 9:30am-12:30pm. Ireland, Feldbrunnenstr. 43 (441 81 14); Ul to Hallerstr. Open M-F 9am-lpm. New Zealand, Domstr. 19, 3rd fl. of Zurich-haus (442 55 50). Open M-Th 9am-5:30pm, F 9am-4:30pm. UK, Harvestehuder Weg 8a (448 03 20); Ul to Hallerstr. Open M-Th 9am-4pm, F 9am-3pm. US, Alsterufer 26-8 (41 17 13 50). Open M-F 9am-noon. Currency Exchange: ReiseBank, on the 2nd fl. of the Hauptbahnhof near the Kirche-nallee exit, offers Western Union, cashes traveler’s checks, and exchanges money for a 4.5% fee. Open daily 7:30am-10pm.

American Express: Rathausmarkt 10, 20095 Hamburg (s30 39 38 11). Take the S- or U-Bahn to Jungfernstieg. Letters held for members up to 5 weeks; all banking services available. Open M-F 9:30am-6pm, Sa 10am-2pm.

Gay and Lesbian Resources: The center of the gay community is in St. Georg. Pick up the free hinnerk magazine and “Friends: The Gay Map” from Cafe Gnosa (464). Hein und Fiete, Pulverteich 21 (24 03 33). Walk down Steindammstr. away from the Hauptbahnhof and turn right on Pulverteich; it’s in the rainbow-striped building. Open M-F 4-9pm, Sa 4-7pm.

Laundromat: Schnell und Sauber, Grindelallee 158, in the university district. Take S21 or 31 to Dammtor. Wash 3.50. Dry 1 per 15min. Open daily 7am-10:30pm. Emergency: Police: s 110. Fire and Ambulance: 112.

Pharmacy: The staff at the Senator-Apotheke, Hachmannpl. 14 (32 75 27), speaks English. Exit the Hauptbahnhof on Kirchenallee. Open M-F 7am-8pm, Sa 8am-6pm. Internet Access: Teletime, Schulterblatt 39. 0.50 per lOmin. Open M-Sa lOam-mid-night. Spiele-Netzwerk, Kleine Schaferkamp. U3: Schlump. 4 per hr. Open daily 10am-2am. Webdome, Offenser Hauptstr. 17. S-Bahn to Altona. 2 per hr.

Post Office: At the Kirchenallee exit of the Hauptbahnhof, 20097 Hamburg. Open M-F 8am-8pm, Sa 9am-6pm. Address mail to be held: Firstname SURNAME, Postlagernde Briefe, Post Hamburg-Hauptbahnhof, 20099 Hamburg, GERMANY.

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