India Travel Guide

John purchased airline tickets to fly for a family vacation. He told his son who just turned 3years old, that he didnt buy him a ticket and that he should tell the lady at the ticket counter that he is 2 years old, When they got to the ticket counter the airline staff was a little suspicious and so she asked the little kid, Do you know what happens to little boys who lie about their age?11 Sure, the kid replied. They get to fly for freei!

Now, I strongly recommend that you do not try these tricks for cutting your travel costs. There are other legal ways which will not put you in the danger of being banned.

Although most international trips will involve air travel, there will be times when you should consider rail, sea or road. It may amaze you to know that besides being fun; sometimes it actually saves you time and money. So I will tell you how to hack your journey in an airplane, train, road etc.

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Two decades or so ago, a one-way ticket to London used to cost about Rs. 50,000! I remember it quite well, since my father was in the airline industry (then Indian Airlines). Air travel to foreign countries, then was frightfully expensive and the preserve of the very rich. Over the years, after economic liberalization and opening up of our skies, democratization finally caught up with airlines flying in and out of India. This meant more and more people are flying out to foreign locales for vacation. If you are one of those who have always used travel agents or package tours, you will be pleasantly surprised to know that you can cut down cost of this component of your trip easily sitting at your home using the Internet. Flexibility is the key to finding cheap tickets, since deals are sometimes around for only a few hours which implies that a day can mean the difference of thousands of Rupees. Therefore, you may have to sometimes pick a day / date for that great deal or find the sweet spot between the day you wish to fly and the cost.

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