We have the mystical sea creature Jessica monster emerging from the rock pile here you go merci beaucoup Monday morning April the 18th 2018 day number two at the Marchetti exert Pro oh wow look at that wave that was a big wave it’s day number two here at the surf contest we are in fast in Martinique, and just hanging out early at the contest taking some Instagram earlier today I went into the media room to try to upload the post, and this is what happened four thousand six hundred, and eighty nine minutes to upload eight minute long post I don’t think it’s gonna happen on the trip what do you think No most likely it’s not going to happen no posts for the whole week. Because I mean we’re on an island in the northern Caribbean Caribbean welcome to Martinique welcome to magazine a bus.


But, I’m a local bus went surfing okay yeah I was a welcome to the short one over there we have Geraldine, and Andre Andre has been driving us around the island, and Geraldine is our contact here in Martinique just hanging out Jessica’s taking selfies I like to get there you in my success public use them nothing’s rocks into the water there’s like a giant rock right there look at that giant rock he’s gotta kill himself he’s Ross’s alright Eric he goes back muscles all right he’s going down he’s going down the rock slowly lowering himself wave coming this is pretty mellow. So it should be good all right he’s going in okay there he goes off into the water I think he’s going to bodysurf rounds a giant bird pelicans hello mr. Pelley hands please I saw him there we go nope No oh yeah there you go oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah good you dropped in on someone I dropped it on the guy in the contest we’re leaving the contest now we’re only here for half a day this morning. So we’re going to head out, and we’re going on a road trip actually across the island to the Caribbean side, and just do a little exploring over there I was surfing, and I come in, and I didn’t realize until we were in the media room I ripped my board shorts all the way down the crotch like my whole butt cheek is hanging out with my board shorts. So, I’m walking around now with my shirt tucked in to my board shorts oh you can’t see anything all right this is what Eric just did surfing all the way up with his pants did it have mentioned them it would be bad it could be a nice breezy day okay nice breezes Dan Marsh pindy. But we’re heading out now we’re going to go take a little road trip like I was saying across the island lots of little hiccup. So far on the trip.

But I mean that’s what make a trip adventurous, and a good story. So the second was at the thousand happy feet meters, and the last one was thousand two hundred, and ninety-seven. So we just left bass point, and we drove about maybe 30 minutes we’re heading up the volcano now how do you pronounce Montaigne 30 Montaigne Pele I have never seen a mountain. So steep in silver rugged is the volcano here like look how lush. But now it is actually that’s where we just were down there at the point of the surf contest I never thought I would say in my life that, I’m jogging up to the top of a volcano we are basically in the centre of the island. So on this side over here this is the Atlantic Ocean due to to to run across the island right over there is the Caribbean side we’re alive we are alive it’s so amazing up there. So probably have the best idea of the day.

So spontaneous yeah it’s so cool you know chance to catch a wave in the morning, I’m a mom right here Hey right ha ha. But it’s time we ever had any food yet. So we’re gonna head to the other side of the island grab some lunch finally get some lunch, and settled down a bit yeah I have to go all the way up the mountain, and rescue them suicide that’s Jessica I did we made a quick pit stop at a rum distillery this used to be an old rum plantation look how amazing this house is it’s ridiculous jessica is attempting to go catch a chicken there way too fast for her though faster Jessica faster go get him Jessica comes down to the Martinique for the sole Pidgeon of catching a catching this old pigeon of catching a we’re about to go on a tour to see how the rum is made. But my batteries are very very low. So we’re now on the Caribbean side of the island, and we’re getting some food really quick at this restaurant right on the beach. So we’re sitting down now for a little bit of lunch, and we have traditional dish right here we have crawfish how do you pronounce this show then crystal beans white rice as in fish, and then a sauce right here, and the plantains now we have delicious coconut cream pie pies okay the coconut cream pie Jessica well spoken up. But the front end this one is the food here is so amazing I mean has a punch the food here and. So different, and now the fruit is so fresh the seafood, and little that’s what it is I feel like all the dishes here it has the full spectrum of flavor, and even last night the chef said you know you start here you work your way around the plate just to kind of get the full palette of the meal, and crossair can actually hit. Because it caught my eye I saw, I’ll try the pumpkin whoo, I’m going to try the crawfish good food just took a quick little dip in the ocean first time in the sea here on this side. So refreshing in the water I was so scared everything oh I felt a sea urchin as we were going in I got all scared of the sea urchin there are sea urchin I know. But check out this little area here it’s just such a cool little village they have restaurants right on the beach right smack lay snack I can’t call you lay here that’s the American French right there lay smack yeah this is the thing I love about traveling it’s finding these little places that you would have never even liked just check out this place right on the beach.

But we’re heading back to the hotel now probably gonna just get some work done then jump in the pool later it wasn’t like check out how big this pools it’s almost like a miniature waterpark yeah you have your little island here with the bridge the strobe lights going on you see right over this way where the infinity pool is I just jumped down there, and I slid down the infinity pool there’s a second layer swimming pool below the infinity pool and, I’m looking around, and there’s a waterslide here how is it Jessica it is a good for camera I can make it, I’ll go slowly nice romantic end to a good day in Martinique tomorrow we have a lot more going on we’re going to be all over the island again if you’re excited for the next three days Martinique give the post a thumbs up leave us a comment down below, and we will see you guys tomorrow from the beautiful Martinique. So until tomorrow smile more worry less, and live your passion oh my gosh.

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