Kansas City Casinos Map

Pulling away from church after my morning exploring the hallowed grounds, I pause on the curve leading south toward Seneca and Highway 36. Glancing back toward the church, I catch a glimpse of what it means to be in Kansas agricultural country: wheat, corn, and a prayer for rain – but only at the right time. (St. Benedict / North Seneca, KS, June 19, 2016, 09:57 PDT, SX700 1/800s f5 ISO100)

Just to the west of Seneca, in the brief flicker along Kansas Highway 36 sits Baileyville, seen here as a family reunion gets underway just north off the beaten path in the local church hall. (Baileyville, KS, June 19, 2016, 10:06 PDT / 12:06 CDT, SX700 1/800s f6.3 ISO 100, looking west along the Union Pacific northern Kansas mainline.)

Continuing westerly we return to Marysville where we passed through a little quickly the previous day – the call of the rails dragging me back for a second look. (Marysville, KS, June 19, 2016 13:09 PDT / 1:09PM CDT, SX700 1/800 f6.9 ISO 200, looking south off the western entrance to the river & train bridge for Kansas Highway 36).

Kansas City Casinos Map Photo Gallery

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