Kansas City Kansas Map

Strolling along through tree lined walks, potentially in the same footsteps as generations of the inlaws before, the St. Mary’s Catholic School nestles between trees having grown large over the past century. A corner stone nearby engraved with the year 1912. (St. Benedict, KS, 09:12 PDT, SX700 1/500 f4 ISO160)

Passing around the buildings between neighboring cornfields and newer playground equipment, the Grotto and St. Mary’s Catholic Church is seen after services on an early summer morning. (St. Benedict, KS, June 19, 2016, 09:17 PDT, SX700 1/1250s f4 ISO160)

The Grotto of St. Mary’s Catholic Church to the north side of the main place of worship – and I’ve been told to appreciate the paint-job of the various items in and around the Grotto. Not suggesting a certain father-in-law of mine ever got in trouble at a young age in this location and might have been tasked with painting said relics, statues, and items as penance. (St. Benedict, KS, 09:15 PDT, SX700 1/1000s f4 ISO200 and doing my best to balance a difficult lighting situation – probably my own punishment for intending to air ancient dirty laundry with this image when it was taken – although by holy intervention or what, I think it turned out. Speaking of which, nice paint job you did way back then, Florian.)

Kansas City Kansas Map Photo Gallery

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