Kansas Subway Map

Kansas Subway Map



Trails in KansasLefferd, Virginia. Emporia, Kansas: Kansas Trails Council, 1989. This is a booklet which may be obtained from the Kansas Trails Council, 1737 Rural Street, Emporia, KS 66801;(316)342-5508.

Walks and Rambles on the Cimarron National GrasslandHayward, Stephen and Martha, 1989. This booklet is available from the authors at P.O. Box 963, Elkhart, KS 06950.


Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, RR 2, Box 54A, Pratt, KS 67124; (316)672-5911.


Kansas Division of Travel and Tourism, 400 West 8th, 5th Floor, Topeka, KS 66603; (913)296-2009.

Kansas Subway Map Photo Gallery

Each Type VII U-boat carried 36 Unteroffiziere and ratings, generally two Unteroffiziere to every three ratings. Apart from the officers, the crew of a U-boat was divided between technical personnel and seamen. The technical division comprised specialist personnel; diesel machinists, electricians, radio operators and torpedo mechanics. There were four senior NCOs. The above technical details of the VIIC and VIIC/41 U-boats are the copyright and courtesy of Dr. Axel Niestle of Dabendorf, Germany, a naval historian, author and a researcher. Having completed training in the Baltic Sea, U1274 formally joined 5.U-Flottille on 1 March 1945 at Kiel for frontline operations. For her first voyage, U1274 left Kiel on 24 March 1945 and sailed to Horten (59 22′. 29 N 10 33′. 19 E) near Oslo in Norway, arriving there on the 27th. U 1274 left Horten on 1 April 1945 bound for Kristiansand south, leaving there on 5 April. The next day, she was ordered to patrol off the east coast, in the area from Fife Ness to Flamborough Head between grid squares AN 5110 and AN 5860. Passing through the east coast mine barrier would have presented no problem, as there were gaps, of which the Germans were aware, between Stonehaven and Arbroath (Gap A), off Blyth (Gap B) and off Flamborough Head (Gap C). There were in any event no deep anti-submarine fields in the barrier for the length of U 1274’s patrol area and so she could have safely crossed at any point by diving beneath the mines. At 1732 hrs (CT) on 16 April 1945, Fitting attacked the 8966-ton British motor tanker Athelduke (1928 – Athel Line Ltd, Liverpool) with two torpedoes, 5.75 miles SE of Longstone in the Outer Farne Islands off Northumberland. The Athelduke was part of the 20-ship convoy FS.1784 (Methil – Southend) and was on passage from Port Everglades, Florida for Salt End (Kingston-upon-Hull) via Loch Ewe with 12,600 tons of molasses. The torpedoes detonated in the port-quarter, killing 23 year old William Alexander McKenzie, the fourth engineer officer.

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