Austria Map Tourist Attractions



The idea behind responsible tourism is to leave no trace of human presence behind. A camp- stove is a safer way to cook than using vegetation, but if you must make a fire, keep it small and use only dead branches or brush. Make sure your campsite is at least 150 ft. (50m) from water supplies or bodies of water. If there are no toi let facilities, bury human waste (but not paper) at least four inches (10cm) deep and above the high-water line, and 150 ft. or more from any water supplies and campsites. Pack your trash in a plastic bag and carry it until you reach the next trash receptacle. For more info, contact any of the organizations listed below.

Earthwatch, 3 Clock Tower PI. #100, Box 75, Maynard, MA 01754 (©800-776- 0188 or 978-461-0081;

International Ecotourism Society, 733 15 St. NW #1000, Washington, D.C.

20005 (©202-347-9203;

National Audubon Society, Nature Odysseys, 700 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 (©212-979-3000;

Tourism Concern, Stapleton House, 277-281 Holloway Rd. London N7 8HN, UK (©020 7753 3330;

The name Haiti comes from the Taino word Ayiti, meaning Austria Map Tourist Attractions land of high mountains. The Taino were a gentle, peaceful village people who had a close Austria Map Tourist Attractions -knit tribal society. There were five major Taino kingdoms on Hispaniola, and they lived in harmony with one another. Each was headed by a cacique, or chief. His position was inherited and his subjects paid him tribute (a form of tax). Polygamy was practiced, and many men had 2 or 3 wives.

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