Dominican Republic Metro Map

Him his Lordship having none of his own took and made Dominican Republic Metro Map him Heir of his whole Estate, which he was to receive at the death of his Aunt Dominican Republic Metro Map . He and his Aunt in her widowhood held a right understanding and lived as become such Relations, shee being a discreat Gentlewoman and he an Ingenios Young man. One day Hee fell into some Company though far his inferiors, very freely told him of the Ill circumstances his fathers Estate lay under, and the many Debts he left unpaid to the wrong of poor people with whom he had dealt.

The Young gentleman was put out of countenance no way bee could think of to Redress himself his whole dependance being on the Lady his Aunt, and how to speak to her he knew not Hee went home, sat down to dinner and as usual sometimes with her when the Chaplain was absent, she desired him to say Grace, wch he did after this manner: Pray God in Mercy take my Lady Darcy Unto his Heavenly Throne, That little John may live like a man, And pay every man his own. The prudent Lady took no present notice, But finishd dinner, after wch having sat and talk’t awhile as Customary He Riss, took his Hat, and Going out she desired him to give her leave to speak to him in her Clossett, Where being come she desired to know why hee prayed for her Death in the manner aforesaid, and what part of her deportment towards him merritted such desires. Hee Reply’d, none at all, But he was under such disadvantages that nothing but that could do him service, and told her how he had been affronted as above, and what Impressions it had made upon him.

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