Kansas Weather Map

Although not everyone in our vehicle seems to appreciate the wonders of Lebanon, Kansas as much as I do, so I grit my teeth, and prepare to dive back onto the highway (silliness intended as we have managed to see at least two other cars during our southward journey on this stretch of roadway). (Lebanon, KS, PDT, 14:27PDT, SX700 1/1000s f4 ISQ100)

This is something we’ve come to appreciate during our trip that seems to mean a lot more in the Midwest and South – every little township, and even in-between – you find corners of land in well cared for condition set aside for honoring the past. Qftentimes, several around even the smallest dots on the map. It’s certainly a different way of life – and maybe an indication of why the rest of the nonfarming community doesn’t seem to really get it and there’s such a divide between the urban and agrarian points of view. (Near Kansas Highway 181 South and Kansas Highway 36 East south/southeast of Lebanon, KS, 14:31PDT, SX700 1/1000s f4.5 ISO160, through driver’s side window looking north.)

Never mind – some things never change and are just too gosh-darned universal. Take note, though, of the frugal means to update the speed limit for construction zones: don’t pay for new signs, just plaster a neatly printed “3” in the appropriate slot on the sign, and voila! Instant construction zone reduced speed signs. (Mankato, KS, Kansas Highway 36E, 14:45PDT, SX700 1/1000 f5.6 ISO200 looking east through the car’s front windscreen.)

Kansas Weather Map Photo Gallery

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