Kentucky Map

Kentucky Railway Museum- Located in New Haven, Kentucky, this museum gives a peak into the railroads of yesteryear. Exhibits include retired railroad cars and railroad artifacts. Enjoy excursions on vintage rail cars during most times of the year.

Curtin University, located in the car-oriented city of Perth, Western Australia, is one such example. The university area, formerly a pine plantation, is dedicated chiefly to education, research, and development. The university is seen as a destination and not as a place to live, work, and play. Due to the lack of a permanent population in the area, there is little activity after university hours. The high reliance on private vehicles for transport, narrow-focused employment prospects for students and surrounding residents, and the limited night-time and day-time activities all add up to an unfriendly place for the young and the elderly, while the under utilization of space contributes to Perth’s sprawl.

Kentucky Map Photo Gallery

Although 8,000 international students attend Curtin University, only 1,175 can be accommodated on campus. The lack of affordable housing on campus or in the immediate neighborhood could be a major barrier to attracting students in future. Reducing the level of motorized transport and congestion in the area is also a challenge, as students commute over long distances.

A study conducted in 2009 revealed that in a business-as-usual scenario, the transport emissions around residential and office/student uses and around retail/commercial/service uses would jump over 130 percent and 500 percent respectively by 2031 as compared to 2009 figures. A TOD-based scenario could halve the amount of carbon dioxide produced as compared to a BAU scenario. This could be achieved using the Avoid, Shift, Improve, and Finance paradigm in combination with a Density, Diversity, and Design model. As the biggest trip generator is the university, increasing student housing would reduce trip generation, while a simultaneous focus on sustainable urbanism and multi-modal transport would help in avoiding the projected increased carbon emissions. ‘Carrots’ and ‘sticks’ would lead to a shift in travel behavior and patterns. Infrastructure and amenities for transit passengers would be improved with real-time passenger information, provision of shade, and shelter, and financing invested heavily in BRT.

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