APSLEY HOUSE AND WELLINGTON ARCH. Apsley House, with the convenient address of No. 1, London, was bought in 1817 by the Duke of Wellington. On display is Wellington’s outstanding collection of art, much of it given in gratitude by European royalty following the battle of Waterloo. The majority of the paintings hang in the Waterloo Gallery. (Hyde Park Comer. Tube: Hyde Park Comer. Open Su and Tu-Sa llam-5pm. £4.50, students £3. Seniors and children free.) Across from Apsley House, the Wellington Arch was built in 1825. In 1838 it was dedicated to the Duke of Wellington; later, to the horror of its architect, Decimus Burton, an enormous statue of the Duke was placed on top. The arch offers scenic views. (Hyde Park Comer. Tube: Hyde Park Comer. Open Apr.-Sept. Su and W-Sa 10am-5:30pm; Oct. Su and W-Sa 10am-5pm; Nov.-Mar. Su and lV-Sa 10am-4pm. £2.50, students and seniors £2.)


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