Korea, North Map Tourist Attractions

Korea, North Map Tourist Attractions and Country Region

History for Korea, North Map Tourist Attractions
1760 The English natural historian John Ellis, with the approval Korea, North Map Tourist Attractions of Linnaeus, Europe’s arbiter of botanical names, names the cape jasmine after his correspondent Korea, North Map Tourist Attractions , the botanist and physician Alexander Garden of Charles Town. The plant is now known as the gardenia. 1761 The first of two transits of Venus across the face of the sun in the mid-eighteenth century occurs on June 6. These rare phenomena provoke worldwide bursts of scientific activity.

The transit is not visible in the thirteen British colonies, but John Winthrop, Jr. leads a group of observers to Newfoundland in a trip financed by the Massachusetts Assembly with instruments on loan from Harvard. Winthrop subsequently publishes Relation of a Voyage from Boston to Newfoundland, for the Observation of the Transit of Venus, June 6, 1761. 1762 The Pennsylvania Hospital Library, the first medical library in British North Country, is founded. William Shippen delivers a course of anatomy lectures in Philadelphia with the hopes of founding a medical school. He also promotes man-midwifery, the supervision of births by male surgeons rather than female midwives.

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