Lambare Travel

Paraguayan Car Rental

Localiza Tel: 021 645810, offices at the airport and the corner of Avenida Santa Teresa and Austria,, Mon-Fri 7am-6:30pm, Sat 8am-12pm

Avis Rent a Car Tel: 021 645 555, 021 446 233, 0 981 577 455, offices in the airport, Sheraton Hotel and the corner of Eligio Ayala and Antequera, near Plaza Uruguaya,, Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-12pm, Sun 9am-6pm airport office only. Airport office is only open after hours with prior reservations

National Car Rental Tel: 021 232 990/4. corner of Avenida Espana and Washington, www. national.

Changing Money

Change houses or casas de cambio along Calle Palma downtown often have higher posted rates than those available in residential areas (even within the same company). Most banks will also change money (see Changing Money).

Cambios Chaco Tel: 021 445 315, Palma between Chile and Alberdi and Shopping Villa Morra,, Mon-Fri 8:15am-9pm, Sat 9am-9pm, Villa Morra Mon-Fri 8am-9pm, Sat 8:30am-9pm, Sun10am-6pm

Link Cambios/Brios Financiera Tel: 021 442 145, Corner of Palma and Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion and Shopping Villa Morra,, Mon-Fri 8am-4:45pm


Asuncion is a relatively safe city with most crime limited to petty theft. Care should be taken with belongings while riding buses. At night it is best to call for a taxi if you are not close to a taxi stand. The Chacaritas shanty town borders the river downtown behind recommended tourist areas that include the Congress and the Presidential Palace. In these areas, where poverty and wealth are intertwined, you are a clear target for theft. After dark it is common to see prostitutes soliciting on street corners and in plazas downtown – men may be solicited openly.

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