The A-list DIET

A nutritions! plan to fuel your workouts is a major part of creating your body beautiful.


Weight-loss and body sculpting expert, Louise Parker, is famousfor getting good results in record­breaking time. Using a combination of nutrition, metabolic workouts and lifestyle advice, Louise – known as the ‘figure magician’ – has a loyal following of A-list clients and a long waiting list at her Belgravia practice. By partnering a healthy weight-loss diet with metabolism-boosting workouts, she ensures any fat loss doesn’t compromise your metabolism and lead to weight-loss plateaus.

The A-list HOLIDAY DIET Photo Gallery


Louises weight-loss approach focuses on achieving results with a realistic plan of regular meals and snacks based onwhole, unprocessed foods. Her Optimum Weight Loss Programme (£1,699 for 12 weeks) for example, is tailored to your basal metabolic rate, lifestyle and culinary likes, and helps you understand how to eat for optimum nutrition while still enjoying the pleasures of food and eating out.Usually there’s a long waiting list for Louise’s diet programmes but on the next pages, she’s created a special seven-day fat-busting diet plan especially for H&F readers.The purpose of the nutritional plan is to encourage you to set aside four weeks to really focus on your health and wellbeing. It’s vital that you stick to the recommended meals and snacks day in, day out, for this time frame. If you do, you’ll feel energised, cleansed, nourished and lose one to two pounds each week – in a sensible way. Let the celeb body bootcamp begin…


Before you get started, remember these secrets for optimum results

‘Keep visualising your goal and stick with it. It’s not easy to transform your body, but this nutrition plan will do all the thinking for you.’OTma firm believer in a good coffee before a gym session if you .

I ‘ma firm believer in a good coffee before a gym session if youneed the energy – but do make sureit’s a good quality coffee, with nomore than a % cup of milk.’

‘Daily body brushing will speed up lymphatic drainage and improveyour connective tissues to help fightcellulite and water retention.’

‘Beware of sabotage from those around you. Don’t feel bad about taking control and changing your body shape and lifestyle.’

‘Sleep! People who sleep well, lose weight well. Sleep regulates your hormone function, appetite and mood.’

‘Use the scales once a week, but bear in mind muscle is heavier than fat and, as your body fat levels begin to plummet, it’s likely you’ll start to build lean muscle mass which will boost your metabolism.’

‘Try taking two psyllium husk capsules before each meal, for added fibre. It will help you stay fuller for longer and improve fat and toxin elimination from the body.’

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