Logan Map and Guide

Dane CL Hansen Memorial Museum

Parking: free on site.

Open: Monday to Friday, 9am-noon and lpm-4pm: Saturday. 9am-noon and lpm-5pm;

Sunday, lpm-5pm, also Holidays.

Closed: New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Day.

Facdties: Exhibition Area.

Activities: Arte & Crafts Fair (3rd Saturday in September): Guided Tours; Permanent Exhibits;

Traveling Exhibitions (approximately 6/year).

Publications: brochures: newsletter (quarterly).

Logan Maples

Logan Map and Guide Photo Gallery

The collection of the Dane G. Hansen Museum is housed in an impressive structure designed by Kiene and Bradley of Topeka, which also contains offices and a community meeting room. The collection includes works by John Steuart Curry, Birger Sandzen, and Charles Rogers, as well as a collection of works by Kansas artists and Japanese artifacts. The Museum mounts five to seven traveling exhibitions per year from the collection of the Smithsonian, along with other temporary exhibfce.

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Kansas State University – Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art

Kansas State University, 701 Beach Lane, Manhattan, KS 66506 Tel: (785; 532-7718 Fax: (785; 532-7498

Internet Address: www.ksu.edu/bma Admission: voluntary contribution.

Attendance: 22.000 Established: 1996 Membership: Y ADA Compliant: Y Parking: free on site.

Birger Sandzen. Sunset, Estes Park, Colorudo. 1921. oil on canvas. Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery. Photograph by •Jaderborg Photography, courtesy of Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery. Lindsborg. Kansas.

Kansas State University – Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, cont.

Logan Mayo

Open: Tuesday to Wednesday. 10am-5pm;

Thursday, 10am-8:30pm;

Friday to Saturday, 10am-5pm;

Sunday, lpm-5pm.

Closed: Major Holidays.

Facilities: Food Services Cafe; Galleries; Shop.

Activities: Gallery Talks; Guided Tours (by appointment);

Internships; Lecture Series (“Arts Above the Arch”, every other Thursday evening); Permanent Exhibits; Temporary Exhibitions; Visiting Artist Program.

Publications: catalogues; newsletter. “BMA Newsletter” (3 per year).

The Beach Museum of Art houses Kansas State Universitys 20th-century American art collection. This collection, with its special emphasis on works by regional artists and American print makers, includes works by John Steuart Curry. Birger Sandzen, and Dale Chihuly.

Logan Mayberry

The building , which opened in 1996, has 9,000 square feet of gallery space. The Museum also mounts temporary exhibitions of works from other major institutions, as well as solo and group shows of the work of contemporary artists.

View of entrance, Beach Museum of Art. Photograph by Douglas Kahn, courtesy of Beach Museum of Art. Kansas State University. Manhattan, Kansas.

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