Maine Subway Map

Maine Subway Map


27,250 acres. This State Management Unit is located in western Maine, adjacent to the New Hampshire border and a little north of White Mountain National Forest. It’s a ruggedly mountainous area, with Old Speck Mountain (4,180 feet) the highest of several summits. The area has mixed forests of fir and spruce along with hardwoods.

Activities: Hiking and backpacking are the primary activities available on these lands. The Appalachian Trail (see entry page 167) traverses the area, and there are several other trails as well. Much of the hiking here is extremely challenging.

This section of the Appalachian Trail is considered to be one of the most difficult of the entire trailespecially where it descends and passes through Mahoosuc Notch, a deep and rugged gorge. Fishing is possible, and hunting is permitted in season.

Camping Regulations: Camping is allowed in any suitable location. A fire permit is required in order to build a campfire anywhere except at designated sites.

For Further Information: Mahoosuc Mountains Management Unit, Bureau of State Lands, State House Station 22, Augusta, ME 04333; (207)289-3061.

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