Massachusetts Subway Map

The Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy is founded.

The Cambridge Peace Commission proposes to the Cambridge City Council that city employees not ask individuals about their immigration status.

San Jose Las Flores, El Salvador, becomes a sister city of Cambridge after a vote from the Cambridge Peace Commission, demonstrating the level of interest by non-Latinos in the cause of Latinos.

Nelson Merced becomes the first Latino elected to a statewide office, representing the 5th Suffolk District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

The Latino population in Massachusetts reaches 344,068.

Federal welfare reform cuts public assistance funding and changes requirements for immigration requests, greatly impacting Massachusetts’s Latino community.

The Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act becomes a path for Guatemalans and Salvadorans in Massachusetts to attain permanent residence.

Democrat Jarrett T. Barrios is elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives.

December 20 is the last day new Honduran migrants can qualify for temporary protected status. With the closing of this route for migration, Hondurans arriving after this date have much more difficulty attaining work, housing, and education.

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