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Commonly referred to as exposure, hypothermia is a potentially dangerous condition which involves getting severely chilled. It’s most likely to occur when you’re simultaneously cold and Wet. In such circumstances the body has trouble maintaining the necessary core temperature, which begins to drop.

In advanced stages of hypothermia, shivering becomes violent, thinking is muddled, and a person generally loses his or her instinct for self-preservation. Without assistance and external heat, death is likely to be the outcome.

Extremely cold weather is not a requirement for hypothermia. Some cases occur in temperatures as warm as 50°-60° F. It’s possible to experience this problem on a cool and wet summer day, weather which is common in higher mountain areas.

Hypothermia can be easily avoided. There’s no reason it ever has to happen to you. The key is to never allow yourself to get seriously chilled or cold, especially if you’re already wet. Shivering is an important early sign. Always respond to shivering by putting on more clothing, finding shelter, or seeking help.

Make every effort to keep from getting soaked to the skin in the rain, or drenched from sweat, especially in cold weather. Wear as little cotton as possible, especially next to your skin, on any cold and wet day. Be sure to have plenty of extra clothing along on a trip, and change into dry clothing when necessary.

Food will help your body to maintain an adequate temperature. Eat regular meals and keep a snack handy. An overtired body is also more susceptible to hypothermia. Get enough sleep each night and avoid exercising to the point of exhaustion.

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Typical Witches Colonists believed that any of their fellow settlers had the potential to be witches. Miami Metro Map Historians have discovered that men and women accused of witchcraft shared similar characteristics, including commonalities in gender, age, marital status, and family. Women were most commonly accused of practicing evil magic. In New England, 80 percent of those accused were women. Prior to 1640, no men were accused of witchcraft, and only twenty-two men were subject to such allegations during the colonial period. The typical witch was not only female but also middle-aged, usually between the ages of 40 and 60. In New England, nearly half of all those accused of witchcraft fell in this age range. Stereotypical witches were also usually married. Of those accused in New England, 79 percent were married and another 10 percent were widowed. Single or divorced women were generally not susceptible to such allegations. Nearly one in six of the accused women in New England had no children, a status that was not typical of women in colonial society. Many of those who did have children had what were considered small families for the time, with fewer than six children. A number of those who faced witchcraft complaints had borne children who died before reaching adulthood.

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