Michigan Travel Destinations

Michigan Travel Destinations


Michigan has six large state forests: Lake Superior State Forest (1,026,058 acres), Au Sable State Forest (748,458 acres), Mackinaw State Forest (663,843 acres), Pere Marquette State Forest (621,052 acres), Copper Country State Forest (430,291 acres), and Esca-naba River State Forest (402,696 acres).

Consisting of northern hardwoods with some conifers, the forests are located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula as well as the northern part of the Lower Peninsula. Terrain ranges from rolling hills to small rugged mountains, and there are a huge number of lakes, streams, and rivers. Included are some lands alongside the Great Lakes.

Activities: The state forests have a total of 64 so-called Pathways, which are trails for hiking and/or cross-country skiing. Some are suitable for backpacking. Most Pathways form one and sometimes as many as several loops.

Major trails in the state forests include sections of the North Country Trail (see entry page 177), the 70-mile High Country Pathway in Mackinaw State Forest, and the 27-mile Fox River Pathway in Lake Superior State Forest.

Horseback riding is allowed on some designated trails. Canoeing is possible on many of the rivers. Fishing is widely available, and hunting is permitted in season.

Cam ping Regulations: Camping is allowed almost anywhere within the state forests, except where posted otherwise. A Camp Registration Card must first be obtained from a Department of Natural Resources office and filled out. Camping is permitted for up to 15 days in a single location.

For Further Information: Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Box 30028, Lansing, MI 48909; (517)373-1220.

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