Montreal Metro Map

Man, thy Family is a Pagan Family, if it Montreal. Metro Map be a Prayerless Family: And the Children going down to the place of Dragons from this thy Montreal. Metro Map Family, will pour out their Execrations upon thee, in the Bottom of Hell, until the very Heavens be no more. But, besides your Family Prayers, Oh, parents, why should you not now and then, take one capable Child after another, alone before the Lord? Carry the Child with you, into your Secret Chambers; make the Child kneel down by you, while you present it unto the Lord, and Implore His Blessing upon it.

Let the Child, hear the Groans, and See the Tears, and be a witness of the Agonies, wherewith you are Travailing for the Salvation of it. The Children will never Forget what you do; it will have a marvelous Force upon them. Thus, Oh, Parents, You have been told, what you have to do, for the Salvation of your Children; and certainly, their Salvation is worth all of this! Your Zeal about the Salvation of your Children, will be a symptom of your own Sincerity. A total want of Zeal, will be a Spot upon you, that is not a Spot of the Children of God.

Montreal Metro Map Photo Gallery

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