One of two Teton Park entrance stations is located at Moran Junction, just north of where U.S. 26/287 joins U.S. 89/191. Going north for about 3.5 miles (5.5 km) takes you to Jackson Lake Junction, where the Teton Park Road joins the U.S. highway. South of the junction is Jackson Lake Dam, first completed in 1911 and rebuilt in 1989. The dam has raised the water level of Jackson Lake as much as 39 feet (12 m). In August and September of dry Mt. Moran rises majestically over Willow Flats and years, drawdown for irriga- Jackson Lake. tion creates ugly mud flats in the northern section of Jackson Lake. A short distance north of Jackson Lake Junction is the turnoff for Jackson Lake Lodge, famous for its luxurious accommodations and its views of the mountains. It was built by John D.

Rockefeller, Jr. and opened in 1955. The next turnoff to the west is for Colter Bay Village. It has complete visitor facilities, including a campground, a marina, and the Indian Arts Museum, where Native American guest artists demonstrate traditional crafts. About a mile beyond the Colter Bay turnoff is one for Leeks Marina and the University of Wyoming/National Park Service environmental research center. In the last 10 miles (16 km) of highway within Grand Teton National Park, there are four picnic areas and the Lizard Creek campground. You’ll find another picnic area along the Rockefeller Parkway just to the north. Stretching about 7 miles (11 km) between Grand Teton and Yellowstone parks is the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial parkway. Congress created the parkway in 1972 in recognition of Rockefeller’s work in establishing or expanding several national parks, including Teton Park. Though called a parkway, it’s more than just a road; it encompasses many acres of land between the two big parks.

About 2 miles (3 km) from the Yellowstone boundary is Flagg Ranch Resort (with new facilities opened in 1996), where you’ll find cabins and motel-style rooms, campsites with full RV hookups, a restaurant, general store, laundry, and service station. In winter, Flagg Ranch is the southern point of departure for snowmobiles and snowcoaches to travel over the unplowed roads to Old Faithful. The entrance road to Flagg Ranch is also the eastern end of the Grassy Lake Road, along which there are eight free campsites. This area suffered a forest fire in the summer of 2000. 0 About 10 miles (16 km) west of Flagg Ranch, at Grassy Lake Reservoir’s eastern tip, is Beula Lake Trailhead. This trail, at first climbing rather steeply, goes less than 3 miles (5 km) into Yellowstone to a lake prized for its cutthroat trout (catch and release only). Farther along the Grassy Lake Road are other trailheads for backcountry trails into Yellowstone. Backcountry trail books and topographic maps are essential for hiking these trails. To the east of the Rockefeller Parkway between Flagg Ranch and Yellowstone’s South Entrance rises Huckleberry Mountain, topped with 2-million-year-old Huckleberry Ridge tuff.


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