New York map rivers

Prices and Tipping

Most restaurants charge more for dinner than for lunch. You can order just a salad if you want, but sometimes there is a minimum charge. Ask about the special dish of the day. In simple places, you often pay the cashier on your way out, after leaving the tip on the table. (For Prices and Tipping, see Blueprint.)

For Children

Small fry can scamper around in Central Park’s well equipped adventure play grounds, designed to stimulate the imagination. In the southeast corner of the park, visit the Zoo and the Children’s Zoo.

Most children absolutely adore the American Museum of Natural History (see p. 67) with its skeletons of dinosaurs and stuffed animals displayed in their natural habitats. Hayden Planetarium next door puts on a super star show for older (over eight) kids.

New York map rivers Photo Gallery

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