Oakville Ontario Map

Continuity of Government Facility, Oakville Grade

Up in the wine country of Napa County, there is a mysterious installation deep in the woods that may be a Continuity of Government facility. Since this facility was constructed in the mid-1990s, there have been numerous reports of black helicopters flying in and out of the area.

In 1992, the Napa Sentinel reported that something very strange was going on in the woods of Oakville Grade, a steep, twisting road north of the town of Napa off Highway 29. Citizens were witnessing unmarked black helicopters flying in and out of Bureau of Land Management land off Oakville Grade; some flights were reported as late as 3 a.m. Private aircraft flying over the area discovered large concrete bunkers under construction, excavations indicating some sort of large underground construction, and numerous satellite and microwave antennas being erected. However, the facility did not (and still doesn’t) appear on any military, Bureau of Land Management, or Federal Aviation Administration maps.

Oakville Ontario Map Photo Gallery

The Napa Sentinel was able in 1995 to have a spokesman for Hamilton Air Force Base in nearby Novato admit the helicopter traffic was originating there. However, the spokesman maintained, “the helicopter traffic over the Napa Hills is a classified operation.” No comment was offered as to the purpose of the facility or even that such a site existed. However, subsequent civilian flights over the area con firmed that the facility is still there.

Key Facilities: Aerial photographs show several completed concrete bunkers with large concrete doors, a freshly graded road from Oakville Grade, and several large satellite and microwave towers. From the air, it is impossible to know whether any underground facilities are at this site. However, this site very similar to other known Continuity of Gov ernment facilities, and it is highly likely that there are extensive un derground living and support facilities at this site. The site occupie\ 87 acres.

• M and Ukiah, California were closed at around the time the Oakville 1 irade facility was being constructed, giving credence to speculation this is a replacement for them. In the event of an atomic attack or

• Ther major national emergency, this facility could be used by the pmsident, vice president, or other senior government officials if they wt«re on the west coast at the start of the emergency.

Look Inside: One could presumably hike to the facility, although i do so would require trespassing on private land. The facility itself !’• Ii’iiced and, it must be assumed, likely protected by a variety of se-

Unusual Fact: Prevailing wind patterns would keep most fallout from strike on the San Francisco/Oakland area from reaching the area.

This is the original home of top secret aircraft tests, like the first su personic flight by Chuck Yeager. Now they’re testing airborne lasei weapons here.

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