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Turning in for the Night

If you have a campfire, make sure it’s dead out before you get into your tent (campfires are discussed in Chapters 10 and 14). Leaving a campfire burning or smoldering is risking disaster if it should turn windy during the night, which could scatter live ashes in the direction of your tent and elsewhere.

Also be certain that food and cooking gear have been properly hung or otherwise protected before you turn in (see Chapter 9). If necessary, check to make sure no food has been accidentally left in your tent or pack.

Cooking gear should be secured along with the food, since after cleaning there are still likely to be faint odors which could attract wildlife. Also, some animals such as porcupines will often chew on anything made of metal, and occasionally even plastic. If you leave your cooking gear out, don’t be surprised if you’re awakened in the night to the sound of it being knocked around. And in the morning it may be missing, or full of holes and unusable.

Bring boots and other footwear inside the tent at night. Some animals are known to gnaw on boots for the salt which is deposited from your sweat, and footwear can be damaged. Don’t leave other items lying around on the ground at night either.

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One innovation in the undergraduate syllabus was the provision that students would not confine themselves solely to the study of classical philosophers. Oklahoma City Map By the time President Blair died in 1743, the works of Locke, Newton, and other modern thinkers were also being taught to a student body that numbered around sixty annually. This diet of natural law and natural rights clearly had a profound effect on students passing through the college in the mid-eighteenth century, and ultimately this royal endowment produced many gifted patriot-politicians. Thomas Jefferson (class of 1762), for one, looked back on his studies with Professor William Small, the pioneer of the lecture system, as the most formative period in his intellectual life. Moreover, the proximity of the colonial legislature provided a useful laboratory in which to observe and participate in political life. By the time of the Revolution, the House of Burgesses was nearly full of William and Mary men; at the Continental Congress, 16 of the 33 delegates, including the congress’s president, had been educated at the college.

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