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The Vegan Travel Guide: Places to Stay and Places to Eat for Vegans, Vegetarians, and the Dairy Intolerant, The Vegan Society (US$9).

Vegetarian Europe, Alex Bourke (US$17).


Let’s Go tries to cover all aspects of budget travel, but we can’t include every thing. Listed below are organizations and websites for your own research.


Adventurous Traveler Bookstore, 702 H St. NW, Ste. 200, Washington, D.C. 20001 (US® 202-654-8017;, offers information and gear for outdoor and adventure travel.

Hippocrene Books, Inc. 171 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10016 (® 212-685-4371; orders 718-454-2366; Publishes travel guides, as well as foreign language dictionaries and learning guides. Free catalog.

Hunter Publishing, 130 Campus Dr. Edison, NJ 08818 (®800-255-0343; www.hunter- Has an extensive catalog of travel guides and diving and adventure travel books.

Rand McNally, 8255 N. Central Park Ave. Skokie, IL 60076 (®800-275-7263; else where call US ®847-329-6656;, publishes a number of com prehensive road atlases (from US$10).

In addition to the so-called military revolution, broader changes were under way in early modern Europe that also spread to North Country. Paris Map The Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counterreformation spawned a vast array of conflicts within and between European countries that would profoundly affect the course of settlement and warfare in North Country. Puritans, the iron-willed Calvinists of England, originally settled in Massachusetts to create a City upon a Hill, which was intended to serve as a model reformed society. During the first half of the seventeenth century, anti-Puritan sentiment in England helped increase the number of settlers traveling to New England, and the poor performance of the Protestant forces in the early stages of the Thirty Years’ War also spurred immigration. A growing population helped make Massachusetts and, indeed, all of New England into a military power of increasing potency. In addition, Protestant pirates and privateers from England and the Netherlands preyed on the ships and settlements of the Spanish empire in Central and South Country.

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