The Strand Theater US Map & Phone & Address

The Strand Theater US Map & Phone & Address

543 Columbia Rd. Dorchester;(617) 282-8000 In the ethnically diverse, oft-ignored areas of Dorchester and Roxbury, finding quality arts programming can be a challenge. The Strand Theater is a real oasis, presenting music, dance, theater, and community outreach programs. Famous performers who’ve graced this stage include Dizzy Gillespie, Cab Calloway, and Melba Moore. Renowned troupes have included the Boys Choir of Harlem and Dance Umbrella.

Tickets can go as high as $15 to $20, but there are plenty of lower-priced events as well. And, in keeping with their mission to bring the arts to all, they offer a number of discount opportunities. Call the box office at 282-5230 for more info; the number above gives you a recording of upcoming events.

The Strand Theater US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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