Pepperidge Farm Thrift Store US Map & Phone & Address

Pepperidge Farm Thrift Store US Map & Phone & Address

87 Blanchard Rd. Cambridge; (617) 661-6361

Middlesex Mall, Middlesex Tpke. Burlington; (617) 272-5158

More than just a bakery thrift store, this is more like a discount mini-su-permarket. Check the tag colors: Red is for fresh items at 25% off retail. Black is just past the expiration date, but still good, at 40% off; and blue means closeouts though never spoiled at 50% off.

Loaves of bread and rolls are as low as 990; a large chocolate layer cake, reduced from $2.79 to $2.09;bags of soft-baked cookies, in the gourmet varieties, same price; and of course, good ol’ Goldfish. A recent sale offered them at two bags for the price of one ($1.19).

Roslindale hole-in-the-wall turns out tons of fat-free, sugar-free, and other upscale pastries and pastas.

There is also a freezer case, with things like Le Menu chicken cordon bleu, reduced from $3.79 to $2.75. The store has weekly specials, and senior citizen discounts on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And, every few months, a clearance sale reduces these discount rates by half. Stock up! Open seven days.

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