Most Popular Places to Visit in Cuba

A tour to the Caribbean islands will be simply incomplete if Cuba is not included in the plan. With a prosperous history, coupled with natural attractions,Cuba is undoubtedly mesmerizing. No doubt, it will offer an intrepid traveler everything they could ever dream.So,if you are planning to pack bags for a stimulating tour in the Caribbean,do consider a fantastic stopover in Cuba. Here’s a look into its most interesting places.

1. Baracoa:

It’s a steamy yet chilled out town based on the South East Coast. Drive past Guantanamo (the place with a stunning bay) and keep going. Here, you simply can kick back at a waterfall, savour your taste buds with a scrumptious lunch in the town, wine in the late afternoon (or rum) and then get active with salsa lessons (that’s a culture of Cuba) in the evening.

2. Santiago de Cuba:

The very own land of Che and Old Fidel and Che, this place is rich in history. And quite obviously, there’s a number of must see attractions. While strolling across the barracks where Fidel Castro started his Cuban revolution, you can also see an array of impressive citadel, Castillo del Morro and the enormous cannons, dungeons, drawbridges, stairs and tunnels. This will bring you amidst the history that you have read in books.

3. Havana:

Havana is the capital of Cuba and at the same time a cosy and safe home of Cuban cigars and Havana rum. If you’re with your friends setting out for a Caribbean trip, this place gives you enough to start planning your trip as soon as possible. In addition, you can find political culture at every street corner beckoning you with rich history and vibrancy. The old town, a UNESCO world heritage site, in incredible condition, coupled with European style buildings, jazz musicians, pastel colours, cafes and bars give you enough reasons to pack your bags and book your next holiday to Cuba.

4. Camaguey:

This place is touted as the Argentinian Cuba, Camaguey is situated at the centre and is the 3rd largest city. The true beauty here is the lack of tourists.However, if you happened to be an adventurous traveler, you can check out the flourishing art scene, and some of the amazing galleries. And, while strolling across the alleys of the city, you can experience sweet couples sitting on steps, kids running around chasing with sticks and with ice cream. You can also pick up a sweet ice cream treat for less than $1.

So, don’t waste any more time! For an exciting trip, include Cuba in your holiday planning. You won’t be disappointed.

About Author:
Rosie has worked and travelled for a year in the UK and Europe. Rosie is the Director of Mosaic Travel and love to share her travel and tour experiences.

Most Popular Places to Visit in Cuba Photo Gallery

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