Riyadh Subway Map

We have seen/heard the Ovilus on investigations. The supposed words coming out are random and, very often, not clear. This opens the way to the individual investigator’s interpretation.

As of this writing, the manual for use of the Ovilus indicates it is for entertainment purposes only. We’re not certain how the developer identified what EMF levels create what numbers and how those numbers relate to words. To date, no logical reason for its translations methods have been given. We do not consider results from the Ovilus as paranormal evidence.

Zoom Stereo Audio Recorders

This a high-end, multi-mic digital stereo audio recorder. It is considered a surround-sound recorder because it is able to pick up lower decibel audio in a 360 degree pattern. The sound from this amazingly small audio recorder is excellent. It generates remarkably clear audio.

Riyadh Subway Map Photo Gallery

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