Romania Map Of The World

Within the complex, a “Neolithic village” has been recreated, where amateurs can learn to decorate ceramic vases with motifs specific to the Cucuteni culture. Here, you can also find local ecological produce or set off on a cruise along the Danube.

Romanian wines have a flavour all of their own. This is hardly surprising given that the vine has been cultivated in these lands since ancient times. Viticulture thus has a long tradition and the vineyards of Oltenia and Muntenia are well known for their fine quality wines.

Dragasani is an old grape-producing and winemaking region. In the 16th century, the Buzescu, Ghica, Stirbei and Bibescu boyar families and even Prince Matei Basarab himself had vineyards here. Even the most refined of palates will not regret a visit to the Prince Stirbei Wine Cellar. The wines of Dragasani (Cramposia, Feteasca, Tamaioasa) are remarkable for their slightly exotic aromas.

The Oprisor winemaking centre (the Plaiurile Mehedinti vineyard) has become synonymous with the Val Duna brand (particularly the Royal Feteasca and Black Feteasca varieties).

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The wines produced in the Dealu Mare region are also unanimously praised. Valea Calugareasca is one of the oldest and most important vineyards in Romania. The Tohani region is famous for its red wine, while the Pietroasa region produces a diverse range of wines: Royal Feteasca, Italian Riesling, Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, Muscat Ottonel.

Craiova is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Romania. Since the 15th century, Craiova, founded on the site of the ancient Dacian city of Pelendava, has been the administrative capital of Oltenia and grown continuously.

The Princely Church, built in 1651-1652 by Matei Basarab, destroyed in the earthquake of 1838 and then rebuilt by French architect Lecomte du Nouy (1885-1889), is now the Metropolitan Cathedral of Oltenia.

The Museum of Art, housed in a palace built in 1896 to the plans of Paul Gottereau, has seven sculptures by Constantin Brancusi. In the Bania House, built in 1699 by Constantine Brancoveanu, there is now a Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art.

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