San Diego Subway Map

San Diego Subway Map and Country Region

History for San Diego Subway Map
1675 The year-long war known as King Philip’s War begins in June of this year. San Diego Subway Map King Philip is a Wampanoag Indian, whose real name is Metacom and whose father is none other than Massasoit, the Native Country who helped the Pilgrim settlers to survive the first cruel winter. Among the Native Country leadership is a woman named Wetamoo, who deeply hates the English because she believes they poisoned her husband (Massasoit’s son) some ten years earlier.

She has replaced her husband as the sachem of the Pocasset band of the Wampanoag, but only about two dozen of her 300 warriors survive the war, and she falls during an escape attempt and drowns. Her head is put on public display at Taunton, Massachusetts. Metacom is also beheaded; his head is displayed at Plymouth, and his family is sold into slavery and sent to the West Indies. Interestingly, the most complete account of Wetamoo’s life is by Mary Rowlandson, who had been captured and given to Wetamoo.

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