Santiago de Compostela Vacations

While ensnared by our outer directed materialistic world, we unwittingly hold the key to the door of our self made prison. We can walk out anytime we choose. We have been so long separated from our divine origins that we have forgotten what freedom feels like. In our fear of the unknown we choose to limit the potential of each new day to the familiarity of our prison surroundings. Perhaps El Camino has revealed to you the key to your own inner awakening.

Fare thee well, fellow pilgrim: As you take a well deserved rest at the end of the long road to Finisterre the question might well arise Is the journey over or just beginning?’ Whatever answer you receive will doubtless be right for you at this time. I wish you well in your search for the truth and your journey Home. 1 extend my humble blessings to a fellow pilgrim on the path and leave you with the words of J. R. R. Tolkein from The Lord of the Rings: The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began.

Santiago de Compostela Vacations Photo Gallery

Stay in Touch:

The route is constantly changing. Information gathered in one month may be out of date the next. While we can anticipate new hotels and hostals opening up to serve the increasing numbers on this route, others are changing and even a few closing down. It is the comments and suggestions from pilgrims actually walking the route that will enable this guide to stay alive and relevant to those who will follow on after us. Whilst great care has been taken in gathering the information for this guide, neither the author or the publisher will be held responsible for any errors or ommissions. However all constructive feedback will be gratefully received and used to update and improve future editions. If you would like to stay in touch or offer something back to the route then please email your thoughts to:

All you will need to complete the entire journey from St. Jean Pied de Port in the,foothills of the French Pyrenees to the fabled pilgrim city of Santiago defifcmpostela.

• With Magnificent full colour maps and photos.

• Indhtt&Diz a diary to record both outer and inner experiences; and notes on the history of this ancient pilgrimage mute and its influence on European art and culture.

• Enhanced with inspirational quotations.

Today this rote represents the most popular Christian pilgrimage anywhere in die world. Walked by millions over the millennia it represents,a major force for spiritual transformation.

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