Skip-the-line tickets Paris

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a big fan of standing on line for an hour or more to see an exhibition. There are a couple of ways to resolve this issue. The first is to choose less well-known museums, if their theme is of interest. Two of my favorites are the Musee Cernuschi at one of the entrances to the Parc Monceau, (Metro: Villiers, Lines 2, 3; Monceau, Line 2) which features Asian art. Another one is the Musee Marmottan adjacent to the Ranelagh Gardens, (Metro: Muette, Line 9; RER C – Boulainvillers station) which features Claude Monet. Another trick is to show up at lunchtime – you may be pleasantly surprised. But the surest way to see what you want and when you want is to buy a skip-the-line ticket (billet coupe-file), which gives you the right to go to the head of the line. These tickets are available at a number of places, (for example the FNAC chain has a ticket booking department), but if you are reserving from abroad, I would suggest the site of the Paris Tourist Office, as it is in English,

Skip-the-line tickets Paris Photo Gallery

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