The Buddha Hall Daxiong Baodian

Pavilion ofthe Sacred Books (Cangjiang Ge) Stone Pagodas (Shuangta)

Temple ofthe Beginning ofthe New Age the end of the Tang period (618-907). The pagoda has five floors and an octagonal ground plan. Its substructure is decorated with 39 bas-reliefs crafted from alabaster, portraying events in the life of Shakyamunis. The 44m/144ft high western Pagoda of Longevity (Renshou Ta; from the first half of the 10th c.), is similar to the Zhenguo Pagoda, except that its base is decorated with stylised patterns of birds and flowers.

The Buddha Hall Daxiong Baodian Photo Gallery

Noord Nederlandsche Scheepswerven, Groningen built and launched her as the Eben Haezer in 1930 for J. H. Timmer, Groningen; B. Oeseburg was the manager. A 44-nhp, four-stroke single-acting four-cylinder diesel oil engine powered her single screw. The cylinders measured 26.99 cm (10s/s-in.) and 34.61 cm (13% in.

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