Travel to Cambridge

Travel to Cambridge


Cambridge has two main avenues. One, the main shopping street, starts at Magdalene Bridge (MAUD-lin) and becomes Bridge Street, Sidney Street, St. Andrew’s Street, Regent Street, and finally Hills Road. The other first St. John’s Street, then Trinity Street, King’s Parade, and Trumpington Street is the academic thoroughfare. The two streets cross at St. John’s College. From the bus station at Drummer Street, a quick walk down Emmanuel Street will land you right in the shopping district near the tourist office. To get to the city center from the train station on Station Road, turn right onto Hills Rd. and continue straight ahead.

Tourist Office: Wheeler St. ( (09065) 862 526, calls cost 60p per min.), just south of Market Sq. Books rooms for a £3 fee and 10’% deposit. Open Apr.-Oct. M-F 10am-5:30pm, Sa 10am-5pm, Su llam-4pm; Nov.-Mar. M-F 10am-5:30pm, Sa 10am-5pm. Financial Services: Banks line Market Sq. and St. Andrew’s St. Thomas Cook, 8 St. Andrew’s St. (366 141). Open M-Tu and Th-Sa 9am-5:30pm, W 10am-5:30pm. American Express, 25 Sidney St. ((08706) 001 060). Open M-Tu and Th-F 9am-5:30pm, W 9:30am-5:30pm, Sa 9am-5pm.

Laundromat: Clean Machine, 22 Burleigh St. (578 009). Open daily 9am-8:30pm. Emergency: 999; no coins required. Police: (358 966), on Parkside.

Hospital: Addenbrookes, Long Rd. (245 151). Catch Cambus Cl or C2 from Emmanuel St. (£1) and get off where Hills Rd. intersects Long Rd.

Internet Access: International Telecom Centre, 2 Wheeler St. (357 358), across from the tourist office. £1 for first 33min. then 3-4p per min.; £1 minimum. As low as 50p per hr. with student ID. Open daily 9am-10pm.

Post Office: 9-11 St. Andrew’s St. (323 325). Open M-Sa 9am-5:30pm. Postal Code: CB2 3AA.

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