Travel to Maine

Travel to Maine


Extending 92 miles through the wilds of northern Maine, and surrounded by private North Maine Woods lands, the Allagash is a splendid series of interconnected lakes, rivers and streams. It has National Wild and Scenic River Status.

Given the remoteness of the area, this is not a place for beginners. Access is limited to a few gravel roads or via float plane. The surrounding area is commercial spruce and fir forest, with logging permitted 500 feet or more from the Waterway.

Activities: Canoeing is the most popular activity on the Allagash. There are stretches of whitewater along with flatwater. Trips of from two to ten days are possible. Outfitters, guides, and canoe rentals are available in the region.

Some ice is common through mid-May, so the canoeing season usually begins in late May and runs through October. There are also a few short hiking trails along the Waterway. Fishing is possible here as well, and hunting is permitted in season.

Camping Regulations: Camping is restricted to 75 authorized campsites along the Waterway. A camping fee is charged for each night. Reservations are not available. Fires are allowed only in

built fireplaces. Groups are limited to a maximum of 12. Visitors must register at the time of entry, and this may be done at various checkpoints along access roads.

For Further Information: Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Bureau of Parks and Recreation, State House Station 22, Augusta, ME 04333; (207)289-3821.

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