Boise City Map Tourist Attractions


325 miles in Idaho (3,100 total). The Idaho portion of this spectacular National Scenic Trail has scenery which includes lofty rugged peaks, with elevations as high as

10,000 feet, and also hilly forests and grasslands. The trail straddles Idaho’s border with Montana, and some sections are in that state.

For stretches the trail runs along the actual crest of the Divide, and at other times it follows jeep roads below. Views are often splendid. The route is normally snow-free only from July through September. It’s open to horseback riding as well as hiking and backpacking.

Camping Regulations: Since most of the trail in Idaho is on National Forest lands, one may camp freely along the way, except where otherwise prohibited. Campfires are allowed, and no permits are necessary. It’s suggested that campsites be well off the trail and away from water sources.

For Further Information: Continental Divide Trail Society, P.O. Box 30002, Bethesda, MD 20814.

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