Visit to Santiago de Compostela

It is likely that your outer appearance might have changed (I lost a stone and gained a deep tan). It is also possible that the way you perceive the world has also gone through some metamorphosis. This inner transformation may well deepen as the lessons we opened up to along the way become more fully integrated. While an obvious purpose of pilgrimage is to bring about an inner shift, it is also possible that our familiar world will no longer support this inner change. Realisation of this might engender different emotions as we come to see that choices may have to be made that could radically alter our previous way of life: who we live with, how we are, what we do. where we work, our social circuit, where and how we pray or meditate. Indeed the whole purpose, focus and direction of our life may have altered. This will, almost inevitably, be experienced as a threat by all those who previously knew you the way you w ere.

Visit to Santiago de Compostela Photo Gallery

OZON I IGLESIA SAN MARTINO DE OZON Turn down Left by wayside cross [100m] onto cobbled street. One of Galicia’s longest Horreos is on your left with 22 pairs of stone supports. Continue over the rfo San Martino [200m] straight over track [100m] onto road [300m] turning Left and immediately Right onto track by wayside cross [200m] j straight over road [300m] veering right past farm buildings, up into i main square in.

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