Chesapeake Map

History for Chesapeake Map
A large, coordinated Pueblo revolt occurs in New Mexico. Chesapeake Map The uprising is a product of both short- and long-term causes, both revolving around Chesapeake Map decades of a Spanish presence. Diseases brought by the Spaniards have ravaged the Pueblo population, and harsh weather over the last several years has produced poor harvests and famine conditions throughout the region. These factors, combined with the aggressive methods with which the Spanish missionaries seek to acculturate the Pueblo, including beatings and executions of “heretic” Pueblo shamans, in an effort to enforce Christian practices, produce significant unrest.

Some 17,000 to 18,000 Pueblos rise up in August in an attempt to force the Spanish out of New Mexico. They succeed in killing a number of the Spanish colonists and chasing the survivors as far as El Paso, farther eastward along the Rio Grande. The Pueblo insurgents take special pains to destroy any vestiges of Spanish culture, including churches, statues, and missions. 1687 Jesuit missionary Eusebio Francisco Kino establishes a mission in Baja California. From this base of operations, Kino extends missionary activity farther north, into what is now Arizona, as far as the Gila and Colorado rivers. Over the next twelve years, Kino will establish a significant Jesuit presence in the area.

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