England Map Tourist Attractions

Wales has relatively good roads. Train service is also good, except on Sundays when nearly everything closes down. All Wales is castle country, most of them built by the

English to keep the Welsh under control. Most of them are in ruins. Northwest Wales has the most. Of the more than two hundred castles, some one hundred are open to visitors. Cardiff Castle is really a pseudo castle since it was built in the Victorian period.

In August Cardiff Castle sports a resounding military tattoo, Britain’s first and largest military marching performance. From London Cardiff is a two-hour trip by high speed train.

Caernarvon Castle in the north is the most restored and best known. It houses the Regimental Museum of the Royal Welsh Fusilliers. It is also the scene of the investiture of the Prince of Wales. The walled town of Conway, farther north, has its walls flanked by twenty-one towers and pierced by three gateways. Its castle was built in the late thirteenth century. Tourists to Wales usually visit Snowdonia National Park. A pony-trek aboard the little Welsh ponies, called cobs, is a favored Welsh experience.

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