Santiago de Compostela Map Images

The altar and reliquary St James as Pilgrim

To continue to Fisterra (from A Grixa) turn Right along the busy main road C-550 for [700m] veering off Left past the cemetery into (rua) Campo Sacramento and here on the left is a sculpture of the Piedade. At this point you have an: OPCION !] (See map, next page) RECOMMENDED ROUTE: To view the old town and the main monuments turn off Right (opposite the Piedade) into the rua Magdalena. Pass the hotel Larry (Tel: 981 746 441 /good value luxury rooms from 27 and restaurant) and immediately beyond it (left) the handsome Baroque Pazo do Coton and the Cruceiro da Fonte Penm (with drinking font to the rear).

Santiago de Compostela Map Images Photo Gallery

CEE TOWN CENTRE A bustling commercial fishing and industrial po t. Like so many of the towns and villages in this part of Galicia it was complete y destroyed by the French troops of Napoleon in the early I800s. Nevertheless there are reminders of its historic past in the buildings and monuments around the old town. There is a wide choice of restaurantes, hoteles y pensiones. The pron i-nent Hotel La Marina (with prices to match) 30; 100 metres further on the modest and friendly Hostal La Vitoria (981 – 745 059) 15: and Hospedaxe Crei o 14. There is also a floor for free in the albergue behind the NERI A / Proteccu n Civil building in the Instituto de Agra de Raices off the Rua Buenaventura Castro Rial. A regular bus service links Cee with Santiago and Muxia.

The alternative route goes straight over the Paseo Maritimo. From the Piedat £ Continue down to the harbour (via Rua Rosalia de Castro) and walk beside ti e Praia da Concha to rejoin recommended route by hospital on the main road.

From the town centre head back towards the sea passing the extensive modem council offices Concello and the monument to the town’s famous architect

Monumento a Domingo de Andrade. (He also designed the Clock tower in Santiago cathedral). Continue through ihe windswept maritime gardens Xardins do Recheo out along the Paseo Maritimo (Praia da Concha) to rejoin the main road to Fisterra (just past the new hospital building) [400m]. Here at the sign for Corbcubion beside the Hotel Horreo is another option.

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