10 Top Places to Visit in Maine

Baxter State Park

Baxter State Park

Sugarloaf Ski Resort

Central part of the state, Piscataquis County. Closest town: Brownville Junction. From the town of Milo, take Route 11 north for twelve miles. This will take you through the hamlet of Brownville Junction, where you will see a sign for Katah-din Iron Works on the left. If you are coming from Millinocket, take Route 11 south for twenty-five miles to the entrance gate on the right.

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10 Top Places to Visit in Maine Photo Gallery

After you turn off 11 toward Katahdin Iron Works, go seven miles on the gravel road. There will be a checkpoint (open 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) where you pay the entrance fee. Although the Nature Conservancy property is free and open to the public, you must cross timber company property to get there, and you will be charged for this access. I recommend purchasing the trail map available at the checkpoint.

Sugarloaf Ski Resort

Rockland, Maine 

Travel another seven miles on a gravel logging road to the trailhead. Be sure you have plenty of gas and a good spare tire. Watch out for the logging trucks. There is a short trail to the Pleasant River from the parking area. You must cross a wide but shallow river filled with slippery rocks to get to the Hermitage Preserve. The Gulf Hagas trail continues from there. Because of the slippery stream crossing and the steep ledges along the trail, I recommend this hike for adults only. There are good camping spots all through the Katahdin Iron Works Jo- Mary forest, but no camping is allowed on the Gulf Hagas trail.

Top 10 Places To Live In Maine

Rockland, Maine


It was September in Maine, and if that brings to mind blue skies, cool breezes, and yellow maple leaves, you could have almost been there with me as I stood on a bed of soft needles and tilted my head far back to see the tops of the tall, tall white pines.


Old Orchard Beach

Although I had my socks and boots back on, my toes were still cool and damp from crossing the river barefoot. In 1892 an immigrant built a cabin, Thoreauvian style, here on a bank of the wide, shallow river under tall white pines that sang in the breeze.

Top 10 Places To Eat In Maine

Old Orchard Beach

Camden Hills State Park

Just a short walk away was a lovely, twisting waterfall. Campbell Young was happy to live alone in these woods like a hermit. His cabin is gone now, but the pines still stand some of the few ancient trees in a vast working landscape. The Nature Conservancy bought the land under the big pines in 1967, a sparkling jewel in a sea of timberland.

Top 10 Places To Work In Maine

Camden Hills State Park



Portland, Maine 

Portland, Maine

Bar Harbor 

Bar Harbor

Acadia National Park

#1 of Best Places To Visit In Maine

 Maine Map Tourist Attractions


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