12 Das Mobel, VII, Burgg. 10. U2 or 3 to Volkstheater. Metal couches, car-seat chairs, and Swiss-army tables are filled by an artsy crowd. Open M-F noon-lam, Sa-Su lOam-lam.

11 Cato, I, Tiefer Graben 19. U3: Herreng. Turn right on Strauchg. and continue onto Tiefer Graben. By night’s end the warm hostess, Anna Maria, will have you singing. Try the Sekte Cuvee, a dry spirit from Burgenland (‚4). Open Su-Th 6pm-2am, F-Sa 6pm-4am.

Europa, VII, Zollerg. 8. Buy a drink, sidle back to the neon-lit alcoves, and strike a pose. The hip 20-something crowd hangs out late after long nights of clubbing. Mai Tai ‚6.50. Open daily 9am-5am.

Benjamin, I, Salzgries 11. Punk rock and tequila shots (‚1.60). Open daily 7pm-2am.

Mapitom der Bierlokal, I, Seitenstetteng. 1. Right in the center of the Bermuda Triangle, this bar has large tables clustered in a warehouse-style interior. Beer and drinks about ‚3. Open Su-Th 5pm-3am, F-Sa 5pm-4am.

Jazzland, I, Franz-Josefs-Kai 29. Ul: Schwedenpl. Live jazz and smoke mingle above the thirty-to-fifty something crowd. Music 9pm-lam. Cover ‚3.60. Open Tu-Sa 7pm-2am.

Esterhazykeller, I, Haarhofg. 1, off Naglerg. U3: Herrengasse. One of Vienna’s least expensive, most relaxed wine cellars. Open in summer M-F 4-llpm; off-season M-F llam-llpm, Sa-Su 4-llpm.

First Floor Bar, I, Seitstentteng. 5. Martinis (‚6-7), Cuban cigars (‚4-20), and abundant swank. Open Su-Th 8pm-4am, F-Sa 7pm-4am. AmExMCV.

El U-4, XII, Schonbrunnerstr. 222. ( U4: Meidling Hauptstr. In the late 80s, U-4 hosted Nirvana and Hole before they were famous. 2 dance areas and multiple bars. Check in advance for theme nights. Cover ‚8. Open daily 10pm-5am.

EH Porgy & Bess, I, Riemerg. 11. ( Ul: Stubentor. The best jazz club in Vienna. Prices vary-shows generally ‚15-20. Open M-Sa 7pm-late, Su 8pm-late. MCV. Volksgarten Disco, I, Volksgarten. U2: Volkstheater. Hip-hop and a teenage crowd F; house and a somewhat older crowd Sa. Cover ‚6-13. Open Su and Th-Sa 10pm-5am. Flex, I, Donaulande, near the Schottenring ll-Bahn station. Dance, grab a beer (‚4), or bring your own and sit by the river like everyone else. DJs start spinning at 10pm. Cover ‚6-10, free after 3am. Open May-Sept. daily 8pm-4am.

Why Not, I, Tiefer Graben 22. Gays and lesbians meet and greet at this disco and bar. Sa drink specials from ‚3.50. Cover ‚8. Open F-Sa from 11pm.

Club Melerei, III, Stadtpark. U4: Stadtpark. Located in the park, Meierei has no neigh bors and thus more freedom to party loudly. It’s rented to different owners and renamed each night; house music Th. Beer ‚3.50. Cover ‚10. Open W-Sa lOpm-late.

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