Loring Hail Cinema US Map & Phone & Address

Loring Hail Cinema US Map & Phone & Address

65 Main St. Hingham; (617) 749-1400

If you’re on the South Shore (even if you’re not) and love old-time movie palaces, check out the Loring Hall.

Go up the narrow stairway to the balcony and grab a seat this is probably one of the few moviehouses where you can still do that! They show second-run features soon after their main runs, with general admission of $5.50, and $4 for senior citizens. Greal deal already, but come by on Tuesdays, Bargain Day, when all seats at all times are $3.75.

Loring Hail Cinema US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

When I found the vessel fast filling, I leaped overboard: and the Engineer and I were the first drawn into the sea by the suction occasioned by the vessel sinking. I soon got up again, however, and got hold of a plank and the steps which led to the quarter-deck. The Stewardess attempted to get hold of me, but I extricated myself from her to save my own life. By this time the scene was a most dismal one; the surface of the water was covered in the dead and the dying, the screeching was fearful. One of the Firemen also tried to get hold of the plank which I had, but I swam away from him. I remained floating about till half past six, when I was picked up by a boat from the Martello, I was then about a mile from the wreck and people in the Martello for some time did not observe me, till I attracted their attention by waving a stick. One little boy kept himself afloat for about three hours on part of the skylight covering and made great exertions to save himself, but he sank at last. His body was still warm when he was picked up. I was once wrecked before about twenty years ago, off the coast of St Domingo, when I was three days and nights on a reef. It was the experience I learnt then which gave me the idea of taking off my clothes before leaping into the sea.

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