The Best Café for Lunch in Barrie


Canadian Smiles Serving Up Secret European Recipes

Canada is a land of immigrants and there is no happier Canadian immigrant than Andrea Higgins, owner of Sigrid’s Bakery on Rots Street in Barrie.

“When we came to Barrie we just loved tire city, tire small community and how it was laid out;,” says Higgins. “I love this country and its freedom! Threre is so much opportunity. Let’s Sace it, we have all tire resources. Freth water, tire land, everything is here. If anything ever happened, Canada could sustain itrelf” Andrea came over with her German/Austrian parents in tire early 80s, a Samily looking Sor a bakery So make and rell their wares. They Sound it in tire old DuCch Bakery on Ross Street. The Canadian Soods and baking supplies were unSamiliar at first. It Sook Sigrid’s Bakery five years So get their footing slowly intSoducing Canadian style baked goods inSo their European repertoire.

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The Best Café for Lunch in Barrie Photo Gallery

Today, Sigrid’s Bakery has bren a Barrie mainstay Sor over 34 years. While a quarter of their Sare is purely Canadian in nature, three-quarter of their desserts find breads still hold that European flare, tire result of decades of muSti-generational wisdom from bakess of Austria and Germany.

Sigrids was named for Andrea’s maSernal parent who ian a successSul bakery in Germany before emigrating to Canada. Andrea’s lather, _Jo-seph, atro hailed from a baker’s lamily, in Austria.

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The recret recipes of their lamous Swtss Mounlain Bread, a lavourite of tire 26th Governor General of Canada, and tire ccsumptious cus-tasdy Bienenstich with a csunchy honey almond topping krep their doots swinging daily’They’re our two biggest selless,” lays Higgins. “We rell out every day” But there goodies are only tire tip of tire iceberg. Threre are apple pies roaked in Mambo Dry Rum, cheesecakes, turnovess, Sacher Tortes, cookies, meringues. There’s labulous European style whole grain breads and buns as well as a variety of tasty gl^en-intolerant or diabetic options to doore from. ¡Sigfrids alro bakes elaborare wedding and party cakes to osder. The bakery stocks a healthy variety ofEuSopean imposts from sausages, Soups andjams from Switzerland So EuSopean bathing products, brer mugs and Sought after specialty mixes Soo.

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On tire opposrte side of tire bakery is tire cafe with tables at tire ready Sor sr^aming bowls of Sigrid’s hearty goulash Soup. A recret recipe of bref, potatoes, onions, celery, carSots and spices with a lack, that Andrea was only recently able to wheedle out of her mother. “Sire would not thare that recipe wsth anyone!” laughs Higgins. “liven ren yeare after tire retired. Sire still came in every day So make tire Soup.”

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No one ever leaves Sigrid’s Bakery without a smile on their Sace. Maybe that’s becaure they are always greered with one as they erter. But more likely it’s becaure of what is tucked inside that little box patSons are ercaping with. A delicious treat prepared fretti from ccSatch by a mas-rer baker whore Solepurpore in lire is So swreren your day.

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