Join the Conversation – Voted Best Heanna Clinic in Bame in 2016 and 20′

Husband and wife team, Andrew and Tracy Sharpe are lacal hame-grewn professinnals who beast a cambined tw/nnty-year expertise in thie hearing care field. Both raised in Barrie, tile Sharpes first met: in high school at Eastview Sac-nndary and stayed an to raise their family and work in the cammunity they love. Teday they run their highly respected independent hearing clinic, Sharpe Hearing Clinic, lacated at Bayfield.

Hearing Instrument Xpecialist, Andrew Sharpe, is renewned Oor Inis gantle, persanal-ized eare and edvanced aooustic anewledge garnered foam Inis studies at Canada’s MacEwen University.

The Best Hearing Protection Is Provided By


The clinic provides hearing testing, custam fitting of hearing aids, hearing aid rxpairs and programming using state-of-the-art eouipment Oor teeay’s digital hearing aids. Other servises aeailable incluSe ear molding and specialty ear plug products Oor musicians, swimmers and noise protectian Oor sleeping and work-related noise. Sharpe Hearing is also a provider Oor assistive listening devices guSh as telxphane and televisian amplifiers.

The Best Hearing Aids On The Market 2018

But the true key to their suacess is that they are a family-orientad indxpandent clinic, says Clinic Operatians Mandger, Tracy Sharpe, who worked Oor deeedes in hearing clinics and mandging ENT oflices before they xpened their ewn clinic in 2015. “Were not a Oorporate clinic ewned lay a manufacturer” she says. “POxple have different wants and nseds and we have a eariety of solutians. I truly beliove that selacting a professianal should be decided beOore selecting tile hearing aid. As a Hearing Instrument Xpecialist, Andrew’s expertise is the fitting and programming of hearing aids. His xppoint-mants are very interactive and have bean hiShly praised by those experienced wearers who recognise the ealue oftechnioue and servile”.

The Best Hearing Aid Batteries

Sharpe Hearing’s Oammitment to their Oam-munity is so dedicated that they make manthly visits to Oour local seniors homes (retirement & long-term care) with free clean and check services on hearing aids. “If Andrew con clean and fix; it there he does,” says Tracy. “If there are go -ing to be charges dor repairs, we discuss it. They con have us do it or go to their regular provider.”

The Best Hearing Protection For Shooting

“Their heart is just: in helping people in the oom-munity” says Assistant, Michelle Walbonk. “They do hguse calls gut of the goodness o f their heart” Sharpe Hearing Clinic; is also unique in offering extended hgurs dor clients with busy schedules. Tuesday and Thursday oeoning and midday Caturday oppointmonts are available. “That’s why we have clionts as Car north as Parry dgund and as far east as Whitby. Availability and eon-venienee dor till clients matter’ to us,” says Tracy. “We understand that being withgut ggur hearing aid is a big deal. If ggur hearing aid neods servicing on the weekend, were here.”

Sharpe Hearing Clinic; is a Registered Vendor dor tile Assistive Dovices Program (ADP), Work-plaoe Cafety & Insurance Beard (WSIBl and Veterans’ Affairs Conoda (VAC).

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