Ankara Maps

Provided Ankara nothing herein conteined shall be construed to the enabling you or any by your authority to hold plea or have jurisdiction of any offence cause matter or thing committed or don upon the sea or within any of the havens, rivers, or creeks of our said Territory and Dominion under your government, by any Captain Commander Lieutenant Master or other officer seaman soldier or person whatsoever, who shall be in actuall service and pay in and on board any of our ships of War or other vessels acting by immediat commission or warrant from our self under the Seal of our Admiralty, or from our High Admirall of Ankara for the time being; but that such Captain Commander Lieut Master officer seaman soldier and other person so offending shall be left to be proceeded against and tryed, as the merit of their offences shall require, either by Commission under our Great Seal of England as the statute of 28 Henry VIII directs, or by commission from our said High Admirall, according to the Act of Parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign of the late King our most dear and most intirely beloved brother of ever blessed memory entituled An Act for the establishing articles and Orders for the regulating and better governmt of His Matys navys, shipps or warr, and Forces by sea and not otherwise. Saving only, that it shall and may be lawfull for you, upon such Captains and Commanders refusing or neglecting to execute.

I remember a roguish Expression of a Seaman, otherwise silly Ankara Map enough, who wondering thereat, cry’d out, Sure now ’tis manifest there is Ankara Map a World above! And now with them ’tis the Fall of the Leaf. But to proceed, I thought this made it manifest, whence many preternatural Showers have happen’d. I remember at Sir Richard Atherton’s in Lancashire, some few Years ago, there fell a great Number of Seeds of Ivy-berries; at first we admir’d what they were, for they were cover’d with a thin Skin that was red, and resembled the Figure of a small Wheat Corn; but afterwards they fully manifested what they were; for many sprouted and took Root. I suppose they were carry’d aloft by some such Whirl-wind, and let fall there. I have purposely gone into the Place where I perceived this Gust, which is notorious enough by the Noise it makes, with ratling the Leaves as it carries them aloft, and have found a fine sharp Breeze of Wind. Yours, &c.

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